What I'm...
In 2025, I've decided to add a page on what I'm reading, studying, writing, researching...
Most of what I read is related to work I'm doing or to my dissertation, but occasionally I carve out time to read something for fun. So far in 2025, I have read or am reading...
Taylor, Joseph E. Making Salmon: An Environmental History of the Northwest Fisheries Crisis. University of Washington Press, 1999. A very well-written history of willful ignorance on the part of government and business leaders regarding the decimation of salmon runs in the Pacific Northwest. (Finished)
Egan, Timothy. The Good Rain: Across Time and Terrain in the Pacific Northwest. Vintage Departures, 1991. A classic "following in the footsteps" travelogue and a snapshot of the PNW at the end of the logging era and before tech became the major industry. (Finished)
Spiedel, William C. Sons of the Profits or There's No Business Like Grow Business: The Seattle Story 1851-1901. Nettle Creek, 1967. A rather sarcastic look at the greed and rapaciousness in the colonization and early history of Seattle. (Finished)
Harvey, Samantha. Orbital: A Novel. Grove Press, 2024. The winner of the 2024 Booker Prize, and so far, evocative novel about what it means to be human when you are so far removed from most of humanity. (Finished).
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. Purple Hibiscus. Algonquin Books, 2003. A Bildungsroman in a time of crisis in Nigeria and in the narrator's family that takes a dark turn.
Bleecker, Julian and Nicolas Nova. "A Synchroncity: Design Fictions for Asynchronous Urban Computing." Situated Technologies Pamphlets 5, editors Omar Khan, Trebor Scholz, and Mark Shepherd. The Architectural League of New York, 2009. Before IOT really took off, Bleeker and Nova published this discussion of what on the creative possibilities and undesirable outcomes from location-based and spatial computing technologies.
Usually this is coursework. Sometimes it's also what I'm doing in my spare time. And in this part of 2025, I am studying...
Research Design & Development Workshop - the dissertation proposal writing class for my dissertation.
Cartographic Design - visual design class for map-making at NCSU
Introduction to LangGraph - I'm doing this for my own edification
Upcoming talks/presentations...
Sometimes for school, sometimes for a conference. So far this year, I'm prepping for:
Contested Waters - a presentation of my dissertation research so far - Feb. 5th, online
New Lenses on Landscape in the Anthropocene - an overview of older concepts of "landscape" and how these views have been challenged by scholars such as Arènes and Tsing, and how these updated concepts apply to current research in landscape architecture. CELA 2025, March 21st, Portland.